The Sega 32x is one of the most unusual consoles to have ever been on the market. First of all the system wasn’t sole supportive like any other consoles, and required the Sega Genesis (Maga-Drive) to operate. As strange as… Continue Reading →
Sadly, after a long and stressful week this was another weekend that was not my own, or to translate not a lot plays this weekend. With that said I have another stressful week ahead of me next week, so I’m… Continue Reading →
I’ve had my Sega Saturn now since just before I attended Midwest Gaming Classics in April. With my usual system backlogs though it took me about a month to finally plug it in and try it out. Once I did… Continue Reading →
The date was August 23, 1991, and that year the 23rd fell on a Friday. Don’t ask me to remember the day, or if I remember it having any significance, because I can’t. To many gamers though, it was a… Continue Reading →
Having a gameroom of any kind isn’t easy when you have a family, but sometimes you do luck out. In my case it was the a-typical basement that became my mancave or as I preferred to call it my gameroom…. Continue Reading →
If you’ve read my blog before then you’ll know that I’m the proud owner of a Sega Genesis, and that I was outright floored the first time I ever played Sonic the Hedgehog and saw just what the Genesis and its 16-bit graphics… Continue Reading →
Among retro gamer’s there are many points of contention. For the most part, these points are met with a great deal of fun and humor. For instance there has always been a great deal of back and forth about the… Continue Reading →
As many of you may know from reading some my previous articles, I’ve always been somewhat of a big flight sim nut. This is part of the reason why my initial NES collection was filled with aviation-based games, and many… Continue Reading →
To me controllers are the unsung heroes of video gaming. Everyone talks about the consoles and the games but the controllers get very little attention in the grand scheme of things. Sure we might say a controller is good or… Continue Reading →
After the Atari 7800, Atari figured that it’s numbering system was a bit outdated. I think getting into five digits also made it seem a bit ridiculous since Atari 10400 would have been next. So in an era of Super… Continue Reading →
The Playstation arrived on the scene in 1995 to a lot of skepticism. Sony after all made the TV’s we played video games on, and not the video games themselves. Besides with Sega and Nintendo who needed anything else? It… Continue Reading →
If you read my post on Retro Gaming Resolutions from December 30th you know one of my resolutions was to get an Atari 5200 and 7800 in 2014. Than I began to think about other systems out there that are worth… Continue Reading →
Back on November 11, I wrote an article called “Super Jipped N64 Degrees of Mad with Recent eBay Transactions” . But since then I got a great deal on an N64 (free) and just as my N64 article “Returning to… Continue Reading →
Video gaming whether modern or retro always has its 800 pound Gorilla in the room, usually multiple ones. There are the bad things we don’t want to talk about like the whole Custers Revenge thing, and then there are the… Continue Reading →
I left off part 1 with finding Sega Genesis systems trending for lower prices then normal on eBay, and finding a system with everything I wanted, for $1 plus shipping. As I mentioned this Genesis had 2 controllers, 6 sonic… Continue Reading →
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