The show is hosted by Brent Weinbach, and Rob F. both of whom are comedians and musicians out of Los Angeles. The two of them are both funny and engaging, and also incredibly knowledgeable about music, and composition. Combined with their love for video game music of the 8-bit and 16-bit eras, they present a podcast that is both fun and enlightening.
Until you listen to this show you never really get a chance to realize the effort, and artistry that goes into video game music. The hosts through their own knowledge and research, combined with special interviews from time to time are able to show us how video game music and writers are able to incorporate different styles of music into early digital formats, and then use that music to set the stage for different scenes and atmospheres within games. On top of that you get a great understanding as to how different sounds are made that closely emulate real musical instruments. The podcast is great for helping someone in to retro-gaming learn about how games come together, and the importance of music within them.
I do need to mention that this podcasts last episode was made on November 15, 2013 so they just stopped producing shows last month. But having been doing this podcast since 2010 Brent and Rob have put together 157 episodes. At an average of and hour each that’s a lot of listening till you get to the end. And hey maybe if I get enough of you to listen in, and write in, maybe they will do more shows. (2019 Update: The show did return in October of 2018)
You can check out their blog at, and down load episodes there. You can also find the show on iTunes as The Legacy Music Hour.