Noise From The Basement

Retro Video Games, Vinyl Records, and Other Nostalgia



Anticipation for What's Under the Tree

Well, another 5 days and it’s Christmas. Do you remember what is was like to be a kid, how the entire month of December seemed like one big exciting buildup to what would be waiting for you under the tree?… Continue Reading →

Who Will Be Left Standing at the End of Gen 8: Part 2

We left off examining the potential downfall of the WiiU, and maybe even Nintendo in part one. We also established that  in the less then 40 years of the video gaming industries history, that every decade had has its tribulations… Continue Reading →

Who Will Be Left Standing at the End of Gen 8: Part 1

You know the video game industry as a self contained unit is a fascinating thing. It’s an industry that is totally driven by consumerism and it’s products are purely the purchases of those with disposable income. Meaning consumers can abandon… Continue Reading →

I Emulate You Man, I Really Do: Introduction

If your new to retro gaming then you are probably not aware that there two ways of retro gaming. One way is the traditional way  legitimate way, that is getting an old counsel of your choice, the games you want,… Continue Reading →

"In the Beginning…..," Part 1

When it comes to counsel gaming I pretty much dropped out of that world between 1994 and 1999. I outgrew my NES and got into the wonderful world of PC gaming. Of course had I known the pitfalls of constently… Continue Reading →

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