Noise From The Basement

Retro Video Games, Vinyl Records, and Other Nostalgia


Mortal Kombat

Revisiting Retro Gaming New Years Resolutions:

Perhaps this would have been more appropriate to do on June 1, or June 30th, but now is as good of a time as any to make sure I’ m on track with my New Years resolutions. Well at least… Continue Reading →

PC Gaming's Golden Era – It Wasn't Just About the Games

Among retro gamer’s there are many points of contention. For the most part, these points are met with a great deal of fun and humor. For instance there has always been a great deal of back and forth about the… Continue Reading →

Retro Gaming New Years Resolutions

Your going to find out pretty soon that I may be a bit behind on a few things. But all I can say is thank God retro gaming is about the past, and I have time to catch up, and… Continue Reading →

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