Noise From The Basement

Retro Video Games, Vinyl Records, and Other Nostalgia


halo ODST

Gamer Reads: Starship Troopers

When you think of video games it’s doubtful you think of books, especially novels. Video games after all are “the enemy of books and therefore their exact opposite” or so those of us of a certain age had our parents… Continue Reading →

Revisiting Retro Gaming New Years Resolutions:

Perhaps this would have been more appropriate to do on June 1, or June 30th, but now is as good of a time as any to make sure I’ m on track with my New Years resolutions. Well at least… Continue Reading →

Retro Gaming New Years Resolutions

Your going to find out pretty soon that I may be a bit behind on a few things. But all I can say is thank God retro gaming is about the past, and I have time to catch up, and… Continue Reading →

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