Noise From The Basement

Retro Video Games, Vinyl Records, and Other Nostalgia



The 8-bit Friday Diaries – September 6, 2019

Ok, it’s been forever since I wrote one of these last. To be honest I’ve had a few job changes since I wrote my last 8-bit Friday Dairy article in August of 2017. Lets just say that I’ve bought a… Continue Reading →

8-bit Fridays: The Backlogs – The Launch Edition

Sometimes things work out so that allow you to get things done. For me this weekend spelled a lot of housework, and home projects being worked on, as well as ample time for games. For me that meant 25 games… Continue Reading →

8-bit Fridays: The Diaries – September 30th, 2016

Sadly, after a long and stressful week this was another weekend that was not my own, or to translate not a lot plays this weekend. With that said I have another stressful week ahead of me next week, so I’m… Continue Reading →

8-Bit Fridays: Backlogs V – The Legend Continues

I’ll openly admit pushing through 29 games on one platform in less then 48 hours is pretty taxing. But with my Atari 7800 collection now checked in and cataloged I’ve come to realize I’m about 10 games away from completing… Continue Reading →

System Saturdays – Saturday Saturn-Day

I’ve had my Sega Saturn now since just before I attended Midwest Gaming Classics in April. With my usual system backlogs though it took me about a month to finally plug it in and try it out. Once I did… Continue Reading →

8-bit Fridays: The Backlogs III – Labor Day Weekend 2016

Going from the SNES and SMS to the XBox 360 last weekend was actually a huge system shock for me. It’s easy when playing NES, SNES, and SMS games to forget just how much games have evolved in the past… Continue Reading →

8-bit Fridays – The Diaries: May 20th, 2016

Friday May 20, 2016   Well, its been a long five weeks since I posted last. A combination of long Fridays, and traveling have lead to my game play plans basically taking a backseat. I’ve either just not been around,… Continue Reading →

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