Noise From The Basement

Retro Video Games, Vinyl Records, and Other Nostalgia



Gamer Reads: Starship Troopers

When you think of video games it’s doubtful you think of books, especially novels. Video games after all are “the enemy of books and therefore their exact opposite” or so those of us of a certain age had our parents… Continue Reading →

Trekking Through Games: Starfleet Command

I’m aware its been sometime since I wrote something for my Trekking series. It’s not that I’ve fallen out of love for the idea or that my Trek phase had ended, but more or less I just haven’t had the… Continue Reading →

The Podcast of Retro Gaming: The Upper Memory Block

I will openly admit that I have a lot of interests, as many other American men do. So with that said as long as I am going to spend 8 hours a day behind a desk unable to partake in… Continue Reading →

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